We all crave that extra hour in the morning, especially in these cold winter months, but with a million things to do each day, it can be hard to dedicate time to our sleeping schedule. A lack of sleep can be such a killer when it comes to dealing with daily stressors. As we all know, life can be extremely chaotic, especially around night time when all you want to do is relax peacefully. Balancing everything - work, home life and being social, is tricky and getting enough sleep can be one of life's everyday battles. There are numerous factors that can contribute to a night of good sleep. There are methods to wind down that are an important element to routine and prepare your body for sleep, helping us switch off from all our stress and back to what our body needs.
It can be a difficult and challenging to always get enough sleep, so much so that the idea of getting more brings joy to our ears. But how much sleep is actually recommended?? The idea of recognising how much sleep we are truly lacking is just as important as getting it and allocating time to listen to your body. In this article, we’ll look at the importance of winding down in the evening, with some tips from Scentered. As well as some pointers here at Scentered on how to avoid stressors, how to wind down as best as we can. Highlighting the importance of having a routine and how that can really help with our body's well deserved relaxation time.
How Much Sleep Is Medically Recommended?
It is estimated that most adults overall need seven to nine hours of sleep, some more than others depending on the day's activities. In addition, one's individual characteristics including age and weight can also be contributing factors. But, is simply getting by on five hours enough ultimately, to get a sufficient nights rest, surviving on five, six hours of sleep may be possible but isn't efficient nor healthy in the long run.
At Scentered, we want to help, launching our own SLEEP WELL collection meant that we could focus on relaxation and effectively launch products to help aid sleep, encouraging one to effectively wind down before bed. Products within our SLEEP WELL collection consist of products like I Want To SLEEP WELL Set delivering an alluring candle blend to relax your body and quieten your mind. With its Palmarosa, Lavender and Ylang Ylang ingredients this candle is perfect for activating relaxation in the evenings. As well as packaged night time sets like Ultimate Luxury SLEEP WELL Set for an ultimate go-to when it comes to sourcing an overall companion when finding some night time relaxation.
Tips To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene
Putting yourself in a position where you're ready to sleep can be difficult. There are numerous techniques and routine practices you can do to help your body wind-down for a restful night's sleep. The element of routine, going to bed and getting up at a consistent time can program your body to familiarise itself and program your sleep cycle.
Another key factor to ensure maximum relaxation and an efficient sleep cycle is the need to efficiently unwind. Relax your body from those regular stressors and structure in daily relaxation methods to promote tiredness. These simple, yet effective relaxation methods can consist of little things like getting into a fresh bed and only using your bed to sleep, for instance not being in your bed on your laptop doing last-minute work before switching off the lights to go to bed. You can also try removing electronic devices from your room, monitoring light sensitivity. Our Sleep Experts recommend looking at nighttime mode that blocks blue light on your phone, laptop or tablet as an effective feature if you can't separate yourself from your phone.
As well as these tips, a big aspect of sleep hygiene is to set the scene right, make sure it's quiet, dark so the mood is reflected with a heightened sleep response. Here at Scentered,, we know how important these techniques are and how tricky they can be to remember within a busy lifestyle. There are numerous products we include at Scentered that can give you the relaxation boost your body needs like our Sleep Essentials Set. Deliberately tailored to help aid sleep and set the tone for relaxation, offering the ultimate relaxation companion perfect for at home or on the go. Including our silk relaxation mask perfect for syncing your biological clock and diffusing light stressors for a soft and comfortable sleep a full night. Welcome in beautiful Scentered aromas alongside quieter nights.
Tips on How To Wind Down Before Bed
We can recommend numerous ways to unwind and can assist you and your sleep even in the most challenging of environments. Our SLEEP WELL range offers an array of help to get the perfect night's sleep you deserve. Our motto when it comes to sleep is Stop, Inhale and Reset. Translating to wrist, neck and temples, perfect sensory places to apply our SLEEP WELL Wellbeing Ritual Aromatherapy Balm. Our 100% natural Aromatherapy Balm is a key Sleep Aid for you if you suffer from poor sleep, night anxiety or night restlessness being a perfect balance of essential oils to promote the body's ability to unwind.
Fitted alongside, the need for a good nighttime set-up includes factors such as our SLEEP WELL Restorative Silk Pillowcase Set and therapeutic blend of scents to quieten your mind and induce relaxation. Paired with Scentereds SLEEP WELL Wellbeing Ritual Oil for Body, Bath & Shower an ideal fit for a nighttime routine to unwind and get an efficient amount of rest.
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