The science of waking up early has been proven to have profound effects. The power of adjusting your sleep routine can be amazing for your mental health.
Mental health and sleep go hand-in-hand. If you have a poor sleeping routine then this can be detrimental to your mental health.
Having a terrible and restless night’s sleep can have you waking up feeling fatigued and still tired, with a heavy head. It also can cause you to have mood swings, making you more irritable, stressed, and impatient. Not to mention, It also can interfere with your day-to-day life, with low concentration levels and making you feel like you just want to stay in bed all day, making you lack motivation.
A connection has also been found between poor sleep and mental health issues. Sleep deprivation can cause depression, which can lead to anxiety. This is because your body is not getting the rest and recuperation that is vital to the human body and brain.
What Are The Benefits Of Waking Up Early?
Modern-day life is fast-paced with people working late, getting up early and trying to fit too much into their 24 hours. This interferes with your circadian rhythm, and this can result in mental health issues.
The benefits of waking up early go beyond just having some more ‘me time.’ People who consistently go to bed early and wake up early have been found to be less prone to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and low moods compared to people who lack a routine.
How To Build A Routine
Your morning routine is a sacred and vital thing. Changes won’t happen overnight as it can take some time to adjust your routine and change from your old one. However, with patience and perseverance, you can have the optimum routine that works for you. Little changes go a long way.
Disconnect From Your Phone To Reconnect With Yourself
If you’re constantly engaged and on your phone then you will struggle to feel tired and drowsy.
You need to put some healthy space between you and your devices. Set them aside at least one hour before you want to go to sleep. Try plugging your phone in across the room and getting an old-school alarm clock and leaving your phone downstairs.
The bluelight from your phone is not something to ignore, it is very damaging for you and your sleep schedule. It throws your body's biological clock off, making it difficult to fall asleep. This is because blue light suppresses your production of the all-important sleep hormones.
How To Be Consistent
The best way to get your body and brain into the best routine is to be strict and consistent with yourself. You need to have a set bedtime and set wake-up times.
Limit Your Caffeine Intake
Caffeine is great to keep you going during the day and nothing beats that morning cup of tea or coffee. However, when you drink it before bed it interferes with your melatonin production, which will keep you awake and result in a restless night’s sleep.
Find Ways To Unwind
Focus on the art of falling asleep. Make it fun and incorporate self-care into it. Make it a ritual so have a hot bath or long shower right before bed. The heat will help you to feel drowsy and content, get into some nice pyjamas and enjoy the peace of unwinding.
Use the Wellbeing Ritual Oil for Body, Bath & Shower, it’s an amazing addition to your bedtime routine and will help relax your body and quieten your mind with this nourishing oil.
Breathwork: How To Find Your Focus
When you get into bed, try to switch your brain off. Aromatherapy is great to shift your mind and help to focus on your breathing. Use the Wellbeing Ritual Aromatherapy Balm to breathe in the scent and let any thoughts just pass you by.
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