In the face of stressful challenges, the frequent flyer needs to remain strong on the road, learning how to manage their health and wellness as a tool to increase performance, productivity and acclimatisation. Travel fatigue upsets the body’s natural balance for days after the trip, but it can be managed and reduced with a focused self-care regime of nutrition and supplementation, hydration, exercise, rest and relaxation.
Sitting is considered the new smoking and for air passengers, this often happens in front of a laptop combined with sitting on an aircraft (whatever the class) for hours which greatly impacts the traveller’s physiology. Technology can be part of the challenge (if overused) because living with technology is negatively impacting our health through light interactions which are known disruptors of hormones and circadian rhythms of our bodies. To add to the stress, in-flight WIFI has led businesses to expect more from their ‘superhuman’ frequent traveller who is expected to continue working during the flight, responding immediately to all communication as if they were still in the office. Even when travelling for leisure, the temptation to catch up on back to back movies is just too great. But what is happening to our bodies at altitude particularly with so little movement and how can we take control to protect our wellbeing?
As the aircraft's altitude increases, the pressure inside the cabin falls which can result in physiological changes including the way your taste buds function. Your intestinal gas can expand as much as 50% more than at sea level causing potential discomfort. The changes in air pressure stretch the gut membranes which increases the absorption surfaces and interferes with normal digestion and the normal gut rhythm. One consequence is that alcohol is more quickly absorbed, and you need to drink less to become drunk.
Being cramped in any seat anywhere on land, sea, or in the air for a long period of time is detrimental for your circulation. Whatever the class seat, everyone should get up, incorporate some yoga moves where space allows, and walk about stretching as many muscles as possible. They key is not to stay in the same position for long. This applies to all classes of travel irrespective of cost. Sleeping in a cramped position is not an optimal health solution and because of this, Business Class will always win from a resting and sleeping perspective.
If you are susceptible, cramping can potentially lead to Deep Vein Thrombosis in people with a predisposition to this condition. This has been mistakenly called 'The economy class syndrome'. The other potential serious danger apart from developing a DVT, which can occur in any traveller sitting still for long periods of time on a boat, in a car or coach or a train, is the chance of the clot travelling in the bloodstream to the lungs, where it can cause a pulmonary embolism. Travelling anywhere with less space than normal means stretching is harder to undertake without the use of the aisle. The higher class of fare you pay, the more space you have access to but it’s the exercises and stretching that give the benefit no matter where you are seated.
The airline industry is taking note; sitting down for such long durations is contributing to unhealthy travellers. With this in mind, the future of airline travel includes concepts such as an onboard spin studio to keep passengers moving in the air.
To operate at your optimal level on arrival, you can supplement nutrients and vitamins during your trip that may be lacking in your diet. 15th Degree’s TRAVEL FATIGUE FOOD SUPPLEMENT range provides vitamins, minerals, botanicals and bacterial cultures to help maintain your energy, cognitive, immune, circulation, digestion and rest function to reduce fatigue whilst travelling.
As altitude increases, your intestinal gas can expand up to 50%, taste buds can alter, and circulation can restrict. Their peach and apricot flavoured, ‘Body Function’ blend provides Aloe Vera and Kelp which can help support digestion together with Calcium which supports the normal function of digestive enzymes. Fruitflow® II WSTC (water-soluble tomato concentrate) helps maintain normal platelet aggregation which contributes to healthy blood flow*. It also provides Niacin, Activated Carbon, L-Citrulline L-Malate, Pycnogonel® and live bacterial cultures together with a range of digestive enzymes.
(*Beneficial effect obtained with a daily consumption of 150mg WSTC II when taken with water.)
Their relaxing wild berry flavoured ‘Rest Function’ blend provides Magnesium which helps reduce tiredness and fatigue together with Chamomile and Lavender to help support relaxation, thus helping to reduce feelings of travel fatigue. It also provides 5HTP and Zinc.
Be one of the first to experience travel without fatigue. Pre-order your return trip travel wallet at a 15% early adopter discount. No code required just visit the website.
Coming on board at pre-launch means you not only have the benefit of being one of the first early adopters to try our revolutionary product for yourself, but you’ll also have the opportunity to provide valuable insight to our editorial team sharing your wellness tips to feeling healthier whilst traveling, all whilst connecting with a community of other globe-trotting healthy high flyers.
We look forward to receiving your travel tips for feeling great on the road, insider knowledge on any wellness initiatives, plus ‘must see’ travel destinations or places to work well and relax upon landing.
Together, we can learn more about the wellness effects of travel and connect with like-minded travellers across the corners of the earth.
Fly with us @the15thdegree and tag your healthy travels on Instagram #fly15th Be one of the first to experience 15th Degree www.15thdegree.com
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