If like many of us you are currently in isolation, I’m sure we don’t need to tell you how hard it can be emotionally. With everything we know and love being put on hold and shifted, our daily routines have drastically changed. No longer are we able to freely see our loved ones in person, or take a well deserved trip somewhere. Whilst self isolation is working towards slowing down the spread of the virus and saving lives, there is no denying that it isn’t easy.
With all these changes happening, our emotions can become unbalanced. We may be feeling more stressed than usual, have a shorter temper, or potentially feel more anxious or sad that we would be otherwise. Here at Scentered we have created a guide to help you rebalance your emotions and get back to normal, refocusing your mind on more positive things.
Why should we aim to rebalance our emotions?
Caring for our emotional wellbeing should be just as high on our agenda as our physical well-being. Achieving a good emotional balance can not only have a positive impact on us personally, but also on the people around us. Emotional wellbeing is particularly important if you find yourself self isolating with others who may also be impacted by your emotional state. Whilst it may be tempting to mask your emotions or attempt to forget about them altogether for the benefit of others, this can often lead to internal turmoil, resulting in them bubbling over all at once. Similarly, being over emotional and attaching yourself to your emotions is equally consuming. So how do you master the juggling act of rebalancing emotions?
1. Tune in to your emotions
You cannot balance your emotions if you are not aware of them in the first place. Ignoring how you are feeling in the moment is something parents are particularly guilty of. If you find yourself braving a smile for the sake of your family or swallowing how you are feeling, you are not properly acknowledging your emotions. The next time you find yourself doing this, take a moment to close your eyes and let the feeling wash over you. This will allow you to actually experience the emotion and let it out instead of ignoring it and letting it build up. Voicing how you are feeling to a member of your household will also help you to acknowledge and respond to the emotions intentionally.
2. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is another positive way of helping you to rebalance and get back to normal. If you begin to feel your emotions becoming unbalanced, by either being overly emotional or neglecting your feelings, it is time to take a mindful break. Using aromatherapy can help you to reground and rebalance yourself by taking a moment of calm. Apply your FOCUS Aromatherapy Balm to your pulse points, and as the warmth of your skin warms the essential oils, close your eyes and lift your palms to your nose, inhaling deeply. The essential oils of Rosemary, Mint and Clary Sage will be absorbed into your bloodstream, helping to relieve mental fatigue and promote mental clarity. As you are inhaling, acknowledge how you are feeling in the moment and allow yourself to work through the emotions in a calm and positive way. After taking the time you need, you will be able to return to your day feeling more emotionally balanced, knowing that your FOCUS Balm is there if you need it again.
3. Manage stress
When we become stressed, everything gets sent into overdrive… our adrenaline levels, our temper and our emotions. Therefore, effectively managing stress can help us to stay emotionally balanced. However, managing stress isn’t a one-size-fits all approach. Whilst some people may find a digital detox helps to relieve stress, others may turn to physical exercise such as yoga or a long walk. With self isolation affecting many of us, our usual ways of managing stress may be put on pause, so it is down to us to find new hobbies and outlets for our emotions. If you are looking for some inspiration, you can read our blog ‘How to De-Stress After a Day of Working From Home’ here.
4. Practice thankfulness
Last but not least, practising thankfulness can help us achieve emotional balance. With everything we know and love being thrown out of balance and a world filled with uncertainty, it can be easy to feel angry, anxious and frustrated. Take a moment in your day to find things you are genuinely grateful for. Whether this is your health, your family or simply a good night’s sleep. Practising thankfulness will leave you feeling more emotionally balanced and more positive to boot.
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