“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
― John Lubbock
The weather in the UK over summer is, in a word, unpredictable. But one thing remains constant; summer seems to pass far too quickly. June 1st arrives, and pretty soon, August is at an end. Being present in the moment is the key to slowing down time and enjoying a longer, more meaningful summer season. Here are our top tips:
Schedule fun
Fun is spontaneous, but giving yourself the best chance of enjoyment means scheduling that trip to the beach you’ve been meaning to, planning that craft project that’s been on your mind, or finally booking a weekend away with your other half. Don’t let things remain on your to-do list so long that they become tasks for next summer instead. Summer isn’t over yet, so start scheduling some fun.
Put away your phone
In summer, just like the rest of the year, we tend to spend more time than is necessary scrolling through our social media feeds in envy of the people who are lying on beaches, exploring markets, and seemingly having more fun than we are. The key to feeling part of the action? Put down your phone, get off social media and go outside.
Enjoy the outdoors
The Great British Summer is a fickle thing, so on those days when the sun comes out and everyone dons their shorts, get outside in the fresh air. While it’s important to protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun, time outdoors will give you that much-needed boost of vitamin D. Find a spot in the park, an outdoor cafe or go for a walk to make the most of that rare but welcome sunshine.
Don’t focus on your trip
A sure-fire way to make your summer whoosh past in the blink of an eye? Wishing away the weeks until you jet off to the vacation you booked months ago. It’s nice to look forward to your holiday, but don’t forget that making summer last longer means savouring it here in the UK. There’s so much to enjoy right on your doorstep without the need to travel anywhere, so make it your mission to find things that will make your summer meaningful at home, instead of simply passing the time until you jet off somewhere exotic.
Cherish time with family and friends
With the kids off school, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time as a family. Be conscious of summer and more flexible with your usual routine. If you haven’t had a day off work in a while, book one in. Remember you don’t need to have a specific reason for booking days off, they are yours to enjoy. So no matter how busy the office is, make sure you’re taking enough time off to spend quality time with those that matter most.
Don’t let overwork become overwhelm
Summer is the time when lots of colleagues are out of the office, and whether or not you will be doing the same, it’s important to keep in mind that when others are off on holiday you shouldn’t end up with twice the work to do. Don’t take on additional tasks, projects and stress if you don’t feel equipped, and remember it’s OK to have boundaries at work. This is your summer too, after all!
Plan fun projects with the kids
Summer is gone in the blink of an eye, so while the kids are still kids, book in some of those experiences that you’d love for them to have at this age. School gives them the basics, but summer is their time to learn more, have new life experiences and spend time with you, so don’t let summer slip away without making some memories for them and for you.
How are you making the most of summer? Tell us what you’re getting up to by chatting to us on our social media channels.
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